Anthony Porto receiving his 1st Dan, on May 16th, 2018

News from Chi Taekwon-Do Kendall
Jorge was born with Down’s Syndrome. He began Taekwon-Do training in 2001. Never once complained or looked for excuses as to why he couldn’t do something. He trains because of love for training, not rank or status. He has been recently diagnosed with cancer. The treatment begins this coming week.
Today, I got to witness his 3rd Dan promotion. It was very emotional for me, more than I thought it would be. I’m not known for being sensitive or emotional. Life is short. Don’t look for reasons why you can’t do something, instead, look for ways to achieve your dreams. Martial arts training is about the process. The journey. Learn to appreciate the training. Love others. Make friends. Don’t begrudge others. Fight for justice and right in all things. Stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves. Don’t find excuses. Be the solution.
-Master Fruitstone