Chi Taekwon Do, Miami, Florida, first opened in 1981 located in a small strip mall with 1000 square feet of space, founded by Grandmaster Steiner, presently 9th Dan. The continued growth of Chi Taekwon Do over the following years, caused school expansions and several physical moves in Miami, which culminated in permanent state of the art headquarters to be built and owned in 1990. The success of Chi Taekwon Do as an organization is directly attributed to the philosophy of courtesy, honesty, integrity, perseverance, self control, hard work and technical excellence recognized world wide.
School age students are accepted for continuing training at all Chi schools as long as they maintain a B average and any student may train at all of our schools without contracts.
Written manuals for every level contain the training curriculum for all students, consisting of fundamental hand and foot exercises, patterns-the application of fundamental exercises practiced against an imaginary opponent, sparring- the application of fundamental movements and patterns against a moving opponent, self defense- consisting of sweeping, throwing, pressure points and joint attacks, as well as the required breaking of lumber and concrete, not to mention history and philosophy. Besides a physical exam, students are also required to take a written exam, and at the Black Belt level, also write a thesis, teach and perform community service. Courses are also taught to students who have special needs. For further information or free class, we may be reached at the following:
Grandmaster Mel Steiner

Venezuela Master Jose Pico 011-58-414-320-2335 |
Master Brian Crawley
email: b.crawley195@btintetnet.com